A letter from prison from our 2023 Laureate Dang Dinh Bach

A letter from prison from our 2023 Laureate Dang Dinh Bach

Nghe An, June 20, 2024

Dear friends,

As I write this letter, I know that you are looking to me with great love and undying faith, and I am deeply grateful for your presence on the journey towards justice and dignity with me and life in Mother Nature. I am here, in the present moment, I am still strong, steadfast and peaceful to accompany and sympathize with you on every difficult journey to protect mother Earth, all species and all people. No matter what the circumstances, I always feel that we are still “together”.

Dear friends, the things that we and people with conscience worry about have been happening in the horror of humanity, in the hopelessness of global institutions as inevitable disasters that cannot be avoided with unpredictable developments from climate change, war, famine, epidemics…while human society is becoming more and more chaotic with loneliness, alienation and apathy in each person. In the coming time, these disasters will become more and more catastrophic with serious and irreversible consequences as a natural consequence of a world divided by greed, selfishness, narrow-mindedness in the name of nation, ethnicity and fake doctrines or fear, illusions in each individual before the uncertain and drifting reality of life.

Therefore, even though we do not want to, we must accept the fact that contemporary civilization is corrupt and will end up being destroyed in the near future because of ignorance, violence and fear. Throughout human history, we and countless previous generations have made constant efforts to protect justice and dignity for nature and humans, overcoming hardships, losses, pain, and even sacrificing our lives without ever resting. In the present, when we see clearly that “the world cannot change”, the future is inviting us to “begin a new world”, where it is filled with the light of wisdom and true love. That mean the beginning does not come from “change” but from “replacement”. I believe that, together, we have reached and will reach this beautiful replacement, where the world is peaceful, understanding and loving.

Dear friend, we are not one of the 9 billion people on earth, but those 9 billion people are one with us, no difference. I know you are there, exhausted in your own cramped space, confused in a chaotic world. And, I also know you are there, carrying within you a magical heart with the power to revive life, to spread sincere love. Recognizing this truth, I understand that the world cannot change when each person is still bound by the interests of the selfish ego, unintentionally or intentionally pushing themselves and humanity into destructive disasters. Along with that, efforts or commitments to change in chaos and confusion will only increase chaos and confusion.

So, whoever you are, rich or poor, what country you come from, what your beliefs or faith are, what your race or culture is… allow yourself to stop and empathize with the moment the doomsday clock strikes its final hour.

The new world is not an idea or a mere imagination, but an obvious truth seen by free people. The energy that comes from true freedom will light up the light of wisdom and spread compassion in each of us. The new world, a world that bears the full form of freedom, is calling each person in this important transition period, a call for each person to confidently become a new person, free from division and discrimination between oneself and others, between humans and nature.

Dear friends, as free people, we have the ability and power to end the existence of this chaotic world on the brink of destruction. As free people, we start a new world with peaceful natural energy. Love and trust!

Dang Dinh Bach