

Our aims : Article 3 in the Foundation’s statutes

Critical philosopher and historian of science, Paul K. Feyerabend was an ardent defender of everyone’s freedom to think, decide and determine one’s own priorities and values. The right to enjoy this freedom should be guaranteed to all persons and communities against any attempts to limit its reach for the profit of a few. This “freedom”, however, should not be separated from a critical perspective towards itself and its own principles and embedded culture— without which it could become an abstract self-created prison. It is important to take one’s own ideas not too seriously and to understand tolerance, empathy and solidarity in human communities as values more important than abstract logical principles— even more important than the cult of one’s own “truth”.

The Foundation is inspired by these ideas and attempts to follow the style of the work of Paul K. Feyerabend — sincerely appreciating the complexity of human experience and refusing both the tyranny of “Reason” and the imposition of methods.

  • “The Paul K. Feyerabend Foundation promotes social justice, human rights, bio-cultural diversity and the empowerment and well-being of human communities via community solidarity and mutual aid, as well as via collective reflexion, organisation and action.”

Following its public interest objective, the Foundation excludes all profit or commercial purposes. It supports, in Switzerland and abroad, projects, organisations and/or individuals acting for human solidarity in favour of communities in need. The initiatives sponsored by the Foundation are centred on the capacities of those communities to understand and to act, which need to be developed, strengthened and given value to improve their lives and conserve their natural environment. The interaction with these communities engages them in solidarity as joint decision-makers and actors— never as “targets” of initiatives conceived elsewhere. The Foundation supports initiatives that respect local cultural identities while facilitating the critical analysis of their own tenets, as well as of the tenets of other cultures. It acts to promote biological and cultural diversity, the respect of human rights and the environmental consciousness of everyone in society.

The Foundation can provide grants, subsidies, prizes, fellowships, interest-free loans, free financial guarantees and any other type of aid compatible with the objectives of the Foundation and its status as a non-profit organisation.

3 Responses

  1. Rex Eloquens 4 May 2024 at 4 h 53 min · Reply

    I’ll take a peak at it. Do you have somewhere I can contact you personally? It’d be a charm to chat about philosophy.

    No worries about the late reply.

    Message me on any platform or through email.

    Yours truly, R.E

  2. Rex Eloquens 23 July 2023 at 2 h 37 min · Reply

    I see, and while doing a reading of Feyerabend, I was unaware he had a foundation at all. I know of him and is general works, but never as much as I should. As a new literary figure with a conscience in philosophy, I am grateful such a foundation exists. Your aims are fair, and while I personally leave it to the individual to decide what they wish to accept or respect, I recognize the benefits of an open mind. I would not read tomes of philosophy if I were otherwise.

    Keep up the great work.

    1. gbf 12 February 2024 at 16 h 04 min · Reply

      Greetings, and thanks for your comments, which I discover only today. You may find interesting to explore the site of Paul’s centennial anniversary :

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