The Award

The Foundation highlights and honours exceptionally successful work for solidarity within or between communities by assigning once a year the “Paul K. Feyerabend Award – A World of Solidarity is Possible”. The award acknowledges and encourages remarkable accomplishments that represent a true source of inspiration.

The award is offered to exemplary individuals, communities or organisations that brought about crucial and lasting change for community solidarity under difficult circumstances. Each award comprises a plaque/ certificate and a small financial envelope.

Beyond the concrete recognition of accomplishments, the goal of the Paul K. Feyerabend Award is to diffuse information about the feasibility and positive results of solidarity-centred work. This is why the award is usually delivered by the relevant Nominator(s) during a public ceremony.

Sculpture de E. Krahenbul

Sculpture de Etienne Krähenbühl

Design and realization of the Paul K. Feyerabend Award : Etienne Krähenbühl, Switzerland.

Prof. Mazin B. Qumsiyeh: courageous spinner of solidarity in and with Palestine!

Prof. Mazin B. Qumsiyeh: courageous spinner of solidarity in and with Palestine!

Prof. Mazin B. Qumsiyeh– or Mazin, as many prefer to call him– is an inventive, gentle, untiring ‘spinner of solidarity’ who well fits the contemporary electronic modes of communication/ existence.  For years he has tirelessly diffused throughout the world a … Read more

Lottie Cunningham Wren: fostering mutual solidarity and human rights law to defend the life, culture and nature of the Miskito people of Nicaragua.

Lottie Cunningham Wren: fostering mutual solidarity and human rights law to defend the life, culture and nature of the Miskito people of Nicaragua.

For thirty years, Miskitu lawyer Lottie Cunningham Wren has worked in the domestic and international arena to secure land rights for the indigenous peoples living along the Caribbean Coast of Nicaragua.  She is an exemplarily committed individual, whose professional capacities … Read more

Salween Peace Park and its slain leader Saw O Moo - providing a grassroots’ alternative to imposed destructive development in Burma / Myanmar

Salween Peace Park and its slain leader Saw O Moo – providing a grassroots’ alternative to imposed destructive development in Burma / Myanmar

The Salween Peace Park (SPP) is a conserved territory covering 5,485 km2 in the Salween River basin, a region of great importance to global biodiversity in Burma/Myanmar. It is self-declared by its indigenous Karen people to fulfill their three … Read more

Saw O Moo: Defender of Indigenous Karen Territories, the Environment and Way of Life

Saw O Moo: Defender of Indigenous Karen Territories, the Environment and Way of Life

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S. Janaki - a wise woman bridging tradition and modernity in the Nilgiris (India)

S. Janaki – a wise woman bridging tradition and modernity in the Nilgiris (India)

Janaki is a Kurumba woman elder who has emerged as a leader amongst her community, working hard to promote traditional systems of governance and revive important events in the community to keep their pride and identity alive. Protection of sacred … Read more

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