Supported initiatives

Enhancing the traditional food knowledge and practices of indigenous Bambuti in the Great Lakes Region, DRC
This initiative by the organization Shirika La Bambuti focuses on five key local food products – to be ultimately listed in Slow Food’s Ark of Taste – derived from the agricultural and culinary tradition of the indigenous peoples of the … Read more

RADIO SHIPIBO : reviving a language, mobilising a nation and serving as a tool for territorial governance for the Shipibo-Konibo-Xetebo people in the Peruvian Amazon
The Shipibo-Konibo-Xetebo are an indigenous people of the Peruvian Amazon with an estimated population of 35,000 individuals. Its 144 communities are distributed in the areas along the Ucayali River and its tributaries (Pisqui, Callería, Aguaytía, Pachitea), and on the banks … Read more

Securing territories of life for the sustainable livelihoods of mobile indigenous peoples and the conservation of nature in West Asia – an initiative in memory and honor of Dr. M. Taghi Farvar
Dr M. Taghi Farvar (1942-2018) was a pioneer in participatory nature conservation with indigenous peoples and local communities. He always defended their collective rights over their territories and natural resources and sought to positively influence relevant policies at national and … Read more

Security and solidarity go together for the Adivasi Baiga community of Central India
This initiative of the civil society organisation Adiwasi Samta Manch engages 20 villages in Kabirdham District, Chhattisgarh State, Central India. The villages are inhabited by the Baiga—an Adiwasi group that was assigned the status of Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Group (PVTG) … Read more

Defending the territory and food sovereignty of Maya people in Yucatan, Mexico
This initiative will be carried out in three communities of the Chenes region, where a participatory space will be promoted—in assemblies and dedicated workshops— to identify the elements of strength of the local indigenous food systems. The survival of the … Read more